
It Generation: The Key to the Ukrainian Economy Prosperity

It is no longer a secret that Ukrainian IT specialists are considered to be among the best. The lion's share of global outsourcing companies prefers our developers, testers, and programmers. Not to mention that the country is extremely attractive to blockchain and cryptocurrency specialists.

It Generation: The Key to the Ukrainian Economy Prosperity

Tatiana Yermolenko

01.07.2022 | 11:48



Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that digital technologies are the driving force of the future of Ukraine's economy.

At the time before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the GDP of the IT sector was 5%, and even despite the war, the industry continues to grow. The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has set a goal to raise this figure to 10% and replenish the industry with new talents. Thus they created a revolutionary IT Generation project was created.

A program that transforms the digital industry

IT Generation is a modern platform, and was created with the support of influential participants:

  • USAID Competitive Economy of Ukraine Program.
  • UNDP project "Digital, Inclusive, Accessible: Supporting the Digitization of Public Services in Ukraine".
  • Lviv IT Cluster.
  • Binance blockchain system. 

The project's purpose is to stimulate the digital technologies development in Ukraine through the attraction of new talents. To do this, citizens must gain access to new skills and, accordingly, IT professions.

Who Will Teach Future IT Specialists

The program invites schools that train Tech and Non-Tech specialists in IT as:

  • Project/Product Management.
  • UI/UX Design.
  • Digital Marketing.
  • Python.
  • FrontEnd.
  • Blockchain Development.
  • JavaScript, Java, Python.

The curriculum should include homework by the student, constant feedback from the mentor, and a project load of at least 4 hours per week. 

Which Schools Can Join the Program?

The project will fund tuition, providing students with free access to the program and schools with compensation for services provided. Thus, the school will receive 50% of the tuition fee at the beginning of the course, and the second half after the student has completed the course and received the certificate.

That is, the training is conducted not by the state, but by companies operating in the education market, that already have cases of successful training and meet certain criteria:

  • Confirmed the status of a legal entity under the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine.
  • Tuition does not exceed $ 250 per month and $ 1,000 for the entire course.
  • Availability of a license for educational activities and/or NACE (85.59).
  • A successful student learning experience of at least 2 years.
  • The site is available in Ukrainian and/or English.
  • It is possible to select students through an interview or testing.

It should also be noted that the program doesn't allow companies owned by residents of the Russian Federation or their beneficiaries are residents of the Russian Federation. Companies with a negative business reputation in the market of educational services will also not be allowed. 

Potential partner schools can fill out an application form on the website. Recruitment will start in early July and will last 2 weeks.

How to Become a New Fighter of the Digital Front

Today, thousands of Ukrainian IT people have left offices and coworking spaces to defend the country against the aggressor. Their places must be filled by new specialists because Ukraine's economy should not just work. It needs capacity building.

Now we can teach 1,000 Ukrainians for free, and later we plan to invite another 2,000 new students to study.

You can apply for training from August 2022.

 You can easily join the program if: 

  • You are a citizen of Ukraine.
  • Age from 21 to 60 years.
  • You speak English.
  • You have neither education nor experience in IT.
  • However, you have a strong desire to join in.

Our goal is to open the door to the world of IT vacancies for tens of thousands of talented Ukrainians. And the more new fighters join the digital front, the more powerful and progressive our country will become. 

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