
Help to Our Girls Defenders

Fundraising for the Ukrainian Military

Help to Our Girls Defenders

Tatiana Yermolenko

16.03.2022 | 01:40



In the first days of the war, not only men, but also girls joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among those who stood up for the defense of the state from the aggressor is a journalist of our partners of Login Casino UA. Currently, the new military unit needs our help and support. Girls need to buy 350 unloading vests, a refrigerator, knee pads. The total amount of needs is 245,000 UAH.

We join the fundraising and ask our friends, partners and concerned citizens to support our defenders.

A Private Bank card named Darya Nikolaevna Ulyanitskaya has been opened to collect cats.

The card number is 5168752002425232 (hryvnia).

With gratitude for each listed hryvnia LCWork team.

Glory to Ukraine and its Armed Forces, protecting us from the aggressor!

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