
Navigating the Affiliate Marketing Labor Market: Challenges, Solutions — An Interview with Improve Team's HR Manager

Affiliate marketing and media buying are relatively young niches that are gaining momentum in the Ukranian market, as well as in the international one. We spoke to Margarita Shelakova about the difficulties, prospects, and nuances of working in an arbitrage team.

Navigating the Affiliate Marketing Labor Market: Challenges, Solutions — An Interview with Improve Team's HR Manager

Tatiana Yermolenko

20.06.2023 | 01:39



Your team is nearly doubling in size during wartime. How many people currently work in your company, and what contributed to your extenіion?   

Currently, we have a team of 40+ people. Our main goal during the onset of the full-scale invasion was to retain the employees we worked with, and we were successful in doing so. No one lost their job.

Additionally, we understood that there's no time to stand still. We needed to provide job opportunities to specialists and assist our country in every way possible. We continue to grow and extend our support to Ukraine.

The main factor driving our growth is a well-established infrastructure within the team, which allows us to integrate new employees seamlessly and enables them to progress rapidly.

Do you outsource tasks? If yes, what kind of them?

When it comes to personnel recruitment, we don't outsource. Our team strives for quality work, so mass hiring doesn't make sense as it can impact the quality and productivity of our work in certain aspects. We have an in-house HR department and a recruiter.

However, when it comes to specific tasks within the team, we do outsource some of them. This can include custom creative design or outsourcing work with comments on applications. Nevertheless, we try to handle all processes within the team.

In which countries do you have employees?

Most of our employees are based in Ukraine, spread across different cities. Some individuals have been able to relocate and are currently in Europe. We have a well-established remote work process, so it doesn't hinder us from staying connected and maintaining a team spirit. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of all employees.

What specialists are currently in high demand in the traffic arbitrage field?

Media buyers are in high demand as they form the core of any arbitrage team. Finding a skilled media buyer with the necessary experience is quite challenging. The demand for media buyers extends to Facebook, PPC, and UAC. Additionally, positions in emerging areas such as ASO, influencer marketing, and traffic analysis are crucial.

What challenges await those just starting their career in an arbitrage company, and how can they overcome them?

Our most important advice for newcomers is that traffic arbitrage is a job, not just a hobby in your spare time. It presents challenges and opportunities, requiring dedicated effort and maximum commitment to your work, just like any other niche.

It is crucial to have a cohesive and supportive team that helps one another overcome initial challenges. In a friendly atmosphere, employees can quickly showcase their full potential.

Do you work with the betting and gambling vertical? Do such industries require additional skills or knowledge? What nuances should arbitrage specialists consider?

Yes, absolutely. Each vertical has its uniqueness. There are different approaches to work, creatives, funnel strategies, and many other nuances. Therefore, when communicating with candidates, we need to understand their knowledge of our field and their ability to start working immediately.

It's worth mentioning that all niches in arbitrage are highly dynamic and rapidly evolving. One important skill for individuals in this field is adapting to new challenges and making quick decisions.

Currently, there are many job openings for media buyers and arbitrage specialists in the job market, some of which are consistently available. How can this be explained?

Indeed, many teams are constantly searching for media buyers. There can be various reasons for this. It could be due to an unestablished team structure leading to high employee turnover, which requires continuous hiring. Poor working conditions, such as salary structures, lack of offers, or inadequate resources, could also contribute to job openings.

On the positive side, teams often grow and expand their workforce. This is the case for us. Every day in our team brings new challenges and vacancies. When experiencing active growth, the need for media buyers is constant. We provide everything for high-quality and convenient work, so our specialists focus solely on their responsibilities.

Additionally, it's worth noting that arbitrage and media-buying professionals are generally younger since it's a relatively young niche. This encourages young professionals to seek new challenges. As a result, people often change jobs without fully understanding the exact workplace they are looking for.

What can you say about arbitrage schools? Recently, their number has noticeably increased. Are they worth investing in for education?

This is a complex question. I used to search for various courses for acquaintances who wanted to learn and start working in this field. Great courses are the ones that offer practical experience, mentorship, and assistance with initial campaigns.

If you're looking for information, plenty of free resources are available, including tutorials on YouTube. However, paying for information without support and tangible results wastes money. Unfortunately, most courses do not update content quickly enough to keep up with the rapidly changing landscape.

And one last question: in your opinion, what is the key to a successful arbitrage team?

Undoubtedly, it's the team itself. The community you build determines the team's future growth. Having people who are willing to support each other is an incredible asset. A well-structured organization where all processes are streamlined is crucial. It's impossible to work effectively and produce results when everything is in chaos.

Great offers and budgets are also essential; without them, there is no work for the team. A corporate culture where you can go out for drinks, go on nature trips, and relax with amazing colleagues is also important. It's all very simple — the main thing is to know the team's goal and continuously improve all processes.

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