
Why Does Staff Leave and How to Deal with It?

The situation when employees throughout the entire working period of their lives work in one company is a very rare phenomenon.

Почему уходят кадры и как с этим бороться

Oksana Korotich

03.11.2021 | 09:19



People change positions, activities, companies, and countries, and this is normal. Experts believe that staff turnover within reasonable limits is useful for any organization, as new employees can bring new ideas, assess the situation with a fresh look, and give a new impetus to the qualitative development and prosperity of the company. However, if personnel turnover occurs too often, then this indicates that the organization has problems attracting and retaining qualified employees. Why is it so important to keep the process of staff turnover within reasonable limits, if there is a surplus of labor in the labor market and you can always find another specialist to fill the vacant position? On the one hand, high staff turnover helps to avoid stagnation. On the other hand, new employees need time to adapt, during which they cannot fully devote themselves to work. As a result, the overall productivity of labor decreases. Understanding all the negative consequences of such a phenomenon, a competent HR manager makes sure that the change of employees in the organization does not go beyond the limits of a reasonable norm.


What to do if you, as an HR manager, face the task of finding a way to reduce employee turnover in the company? To effectively deal with the consequences, it is necessary to find the cause of such a phenomenon. Among the most popular today are the following reasons:

  • regular delays in the payment of wages;
  • the salary of specialists is lower than in similar positions from competitors;
  • lack of bonuses, flexible working, hours, and comfortable working conditions;
  • regular criticism from management, lack of encouragement;
  • the office is located in a hard-to-reach place, which is difficult to reach by public transport, lack of organized transportation for employees;
  • lack of a system of training and development of personnel. The organization does not conduct training, seminars, and other events aimed at improving the qualifications of a specialist and the career advancement;
  • a negative image of the company;
  • lack of a stable personnel policy;
  • new employees do not have support for the adaptation period, there is no induction procedure.

The experts carried out the corresponding calculations and came to the conclusion that the process of finding a new employee, the training, and adaptation cost the employer two salaries of a specialist. In addition, high turnover has a negative impact on the morale of other team members. After all, if employees regularly leave the company, it means that things are very bad and nothing good can be expected. Frequent staff turnover can also slow down the process of implementing projects in an enterprise since new employees take time to understand the current tasks.

What to do, how to reduce staff turnover in the company? Experts recommend starting with a review of the hiring process, but there are other important aspects of management to consider as well. The Wall Street Journal suggests taking into account some recommendations that will help human resources management to take control of the situation. Some of the most effective ways to reduce employee turnover are:

  • hire the right people in the first place. Most experts say that this is the only sure way to change the negative trend of layoffs in the company. Interviews with applicants for various positions should be conducted in such a way as to be sure that this person has all the necessary knowledge and skills, will fit perfectly into the work team, and find a common language with management and colleagues;
  • assign the right salary and develop a system of additional benefits. To do this, you must at least have information about the average wage in the labor market. Pay attention to the formation of bonuses and flexible work schedules - it is quite possible that not all employees need only financial incentives. Be creative in solving this issue;
  • Review your compensation package at least once a year. Study the opinions of domestic and foreign experts on this issue, as well as existing market trends;
  • carefully study the personal needs of the employees of the enterprise. Perhaps some employees do not have enough flexible working hours or a corporate kindergarten for comfortable work. Today it is also relevant to provide employees with the opportunity to work remotely;
  • take steps to keep professionals engaged. It is important for employees to be in a comfortable working environment and feel social interaction. In addition to material rewards, people need to receive respect and recognition from colleagues and management. Often this aspect remains underestimated, managers do not understand how important it is for a specialist to receive a letter of praise from his superiors. Meanwhile, this is the easiest and free way to maintain a positive attitude in the team and maintain a productive atmosphere. Do not forget about employees working remotely - remote work should not tear the employee away from the team;
  • set complex tasks for employees that will give them the opportunity to develop and acquire new knowledge and professional skills. Encourage specialists to strive for career growth and give them the opportunity to express their wishes at regular meetings. Subordinates should not be afraid of leaders, but see them as mentors and leaders, whose opinions and advice they want to listen to.

And yet, in addition to developing a system of bonuses and flexible working hours, regular salary reviews, and creating a comfortable working atmosphere, the most effective way to influence the reduction of staff turnover is a careful selection of personnel. If you manage to form the right work team at the very beginning, it will be easier to think over an effective system of motivation and retention of specialists in the future. At the same time, the emphasis when choosing should be done not so much on professional skills as on whether the applicant for the position will be able to join the team and work in it for a long time. The presence of professional experience and the necessary knowledge is very important, but do not forget that a person will have to work in a team. Successful teamwork also requires personal qualities, such as the ability to communicate with different people and adequately resolve conflict situations. Therefore, the main goal of a competent HR is to gather employees in the company who are able to work fruitfully to achieve one goal. The next step will be the formation of a system of bonuses and a flexible work schedule, and the development of a system of training, development, and motivation.

HR managers can select worthy specialists for their company on the pages of the job search site Login Casino Work.


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