
  1. Technical engineer – features of the profession
    1. Main duties of a technical engineer
    2. Pros and cons of the profession
    3. Conclusion
  2. Chat operator in Poland
    1. The rise of text communication
    2. Who is a chat operator?
    3. Where to look for a job in a chat service in Warsaw
    4. Functions that a chat operator is responsible for
    5. Key advantages and disadvantages of working as a chat operator
    6. Conclusion
  3. Content manager job in Poland
    1. Who is a content manager?
    2. How to become a content manager?
    3. Content manager salary
    4. Required skills
    5. Pros and cons of the profession
    6. Conclusion
  4. Recruiter jobs in Poland
    1. Who is a recruiter?
    2. Qualities of an ideal recruiter
    3. What does a recruiter do?
    4. How much do recruiters earn?
    5. Pros and cons of the profession
    6. Conclusion
  5. Media buyer job in Poland
    1. Who is a media buyer?
    2. Responsibilities of a media buyer
    3. How to become a media buyer
    4. The main pros and cons of the media buyer profession
    5. Conclusion