
About the search for specialists in the European markets – The Luck Factory

In an interview with LC Work, The Luck Factory Global Recruitment Manager Ulyana Kalyuzhnaya spoke about the search for specialists in the IT and affiliate marketing niche, the difficulties of recruiting abroad, the advantages and disadvantages of the European labor market

About the search for specialists in the European markets – The Luck Factory

Valentyn Ihnatiev

02.12.2022 | 02:41



We know The Luck Factory has offices overseas, where exactly?

Our offices are located in European countries: Cyprus, France, Romania, and Portugal.

Do you recruit staff exclusively at the location of the offices or do you use relocation, a remote work format?

The main priority, unfortunately for recruiters and applicants, is the country, where the offices are located. The remote format can be agreed upon as an exception. And that is by the decision of the CTO and as a temporary condition before the relocation. There is a practice of relocation support but it is exclusively for EU citizens who do not need to issue a work permit.

What difficulties do you face when recruiting staff at The Luck Factory in foreign markets?

There is competition everywhere. Many candidates refuse us an offer because in most cases they choose among several. Now there is a trend towards remote work, which we do not welcome, so it is difficult to find people who are ready to visit the office or move to the city where the office is located. Good candidates are also not shy about asking for high salaries and we have to stop the process if this amount exceeds the budget.

In addition, now, many people travel, change countries of residence, and seek asylum or a better standard of living in Europe. A lot of time is spent communicating with immigrants, who can be worthy specialists, but then the question of how to register them in Europe is raised, which also causes the process to break and recruitment to be inefficient.

Do you think it is possible to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the European labor market in the field of affiliate marketing and IT?

For business, the advantage is clearly a wide range of economic opportunities, which is explained by the very nature of Europe. A candidate from a European country in affiliate marketing potentially gives business access to the market of almost all of Europe due to the close cooperation of countries. It is easier to relocate and process applicants from any EU country, which gives a large funnel of people. It should be recognized that the level of English among Europeans is higher, and the majority knows 2-3 languages, which can be useful in an international company.

Among the shortcomings, I would note the high cost of labor, which is often not justified by the quality. To be honest, because of the stability of the economic situation, Europeans value time more and devote it to their personal life, recreation, family, and hobbies, and it happens that this harms working time. Work for Europeans is a tool to earn a living, not a sense of living. At the end of working hours, it is unlikely that you receive an answer and or resolve urgent issues, which, generally, is the norm. At the same time, business appreciates the diligence and dedication of Ukrainians and prefers their mentality.

Where is it easier for you to look for candidates to fill open vacancies: in Ukraine or abroad? Why?

I find it difficult to answer unequivocally because for me it is better when you can search everywhere because there are more chances. Today in Ukraine, there are enough applicants interested in working in an international company. But the general situation is characterized by the fact that all of Europe and America are hunting for Ukrainians because we are talented and hardworking, therefore, when selecting candidates in Ukraine, the competition and the complexity of the search are no less.

What is the selection process that candidates usually go through to fill a specific job at The Luck Factory?

The process includes three steps:

  1. the first introductory call with the company;
  2. test task;
  3. final technical interview.

How important are the soft skills of candidates? Or are hard skills still decisive?

Of course, it is important to pay attention to all aspects and evaluate them as a whole. In addition to the knowledge and skills of the position? valued responsibility, time management, discipline, teamwork, and creativity.

There have been numerous cases when we had to terminate cooperation with colleagues with good experience, who could miss deadlines, rallies, or show a lack of respect in communication due to low soft skills. And vice versa, there are many cases of career growth from juniors to team leaders in our company. These are people who were dedicated to the cause, showed non-standard approaches, and, thanks to soft skills, acquired the necessary hard skills already in the process of work.

What are the most common mistakes candidates make during interviews?

First of all, poor sound or video quality, being late, or even skipping without warning. That is, such simple things can spoil the impression. Also, excessive shyness when asked to switch to English to test foreign language skills is inappropriate. If you refuse, it will be a reason to believe that you do not speak at all. But, if you can say at least two sentences, you have a chance to pass on.

Without what skills a person cannot get a job in your company?

English, previous work experience in related fields. And common ones: official correspondence and communication with the team and managers, time management, self-discipline, etc. The main skills are directly related to the position the candidate is applying for and the duties that will have to be performed.

How does the onboarding of newcomers work in your company?

Onboarding takes place on the first day: HR introduces the team, explains the main points of the team’s functioning, and working hours, and requests vacations. Then, meeting with the direct leader of the team that the newcomer joined, drawing up a minimum plan for the first three months.

After the first three months of cooperation, we hold the final meetings with HR and the team leader, where the results of the trial period are summed up. If key performance indicators are achieved, there were no significant conflicts, and both parties are satisfied, the trial period is considered completed, and the newcomer is successfully adapted to the company.

What advice can you give to people who want to get a job at The Luck Factory?

If you are at the learning stage, then develop your level of spoken English, study the courses available to you, and also try to gain experience (freelancing, your projects, helping friends) and demonstrate it in your resume. Don't forget to name your achievements, which can amaze a recruiter or manager, even if it was in your student days.

If you already have experience, it will be easier for you. Write to me, and if there is a vacant position, I will be happy to consider your resume. But do not forget to be honest and diligent at all stages (test task, resume writing, interview).

Important details. If we see that you really love what you do and are ready to invest your energy and time to help the company, we are pleased to invite you to our team and, for our part, will take care of your comfort and professional development with us.

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