
Why Open Space Is Not Such a Good Solution for the Office

Increasingly, in Ukrainian companies, there is such an office organization format as open space.

Почему open space не такое уж хорошее решение для офиса

Tatiana Yermolenko

28.01.2022 | 03:22



This way of organizing the workspace came to us from the USA, where more than 70% of all employees work in open spaces. Ukrainian employers liked this format so much that they began to move their specialists from separate offices. Open space has its advantages - you can move freely and do not need to go anywhere to discuss work issues with colleagues, and the manager can always see subordinates and know what they are doing in the workplace. But such advantages of an open space office are not suitable for all employees, for someone an office without walls, on the contrary, interferes with work. Why this happens and what disadvantages of an open space office affect the productivity of employees, the job search site Login Casino Work knows.


Difficulty concentrating

The main reason many people like to work in secluded environments is the ability to focus. It is much easier to do this when there are no distractions that can knock you off your mind. To work in an open space office, you need to be able to ignore the constant conversations of colleagues, music, and a host of other distractions that can lead to a loss of focus. Under such conditions, a specialist may not have time to finish the job and stay late at work or finish the job at home.

The lack of personal space hurts memory, especially when it comes to hotdesking rooms in which there are no assigned jobs for an employee. We can say that this is an extreme version of open office space. People come to work and sit where they want. Psychologists believe that working at the same table, surrounded by small details that are familiar to a person, has a positive effect on memory since it is easier to recall the details or ideas that came to mind earlier. This happens because it is natural for a person to associate his memories with the things around him.

Too much noise

Most people find it difficult to work in a noisy environment. Scientists who have studied this issue have come to the conclusion of employees in an open space office are not satisfied with the level of sound privacy. The same can be said about specialists working at tables with partitions. And only among the owners of individual offices, the number of employees dissatisfied with the level of noise reaches only 16%.

One of the arguments of open office supporters is the availability of colleagues to discuss work issues. But in reality, employees are talking about more than just work, and the often occurring idle chatter is not capable of generating creative ideas and does not contribute to solving complex work problems.

Of course, if necessary, a person will work in a noisy environment, but how will the features of an open space office affect the quality of work?

How to find the golden mean?

Even though they understand the problem, not all organizations are ready to abandon the idea of ​​an open workspace. Separate offices are provided only to certain categories of specialists - programmers, accountants, journalists, etc. However, in such circumstances, people begin to experience discomfort, consider themselves outcasts, and cut off from the team.

A rational solution is to create optimal working conditions for project teams consisting of 10-15 people. Specialists are in the same office, they can easily discuss work issues without creating a lot of noise.


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