Three months at a new job is essentially a continuation of the job interview. New colleagues and superiors look at newcomers. And on the other side, the newcomers go through a period of adaptation, getting used to the rules and procedures accepted in the company.
The job search website Login Casino Work has prepared 12 tips to make it easier for a newcomer to have a great start in a new place, get acquainted with the team, achieve the first results, and not go unnoticed. The list of tips is based on the recommendations of psychologists and hiring managers. Adhering to them, the employee will be able to achieve good results and quickly become an insider in the new team.
Get to know people
Get to know everywhere - in the kitchen, elevator, the break room, or the designated smoking area if you go out for a smoke break. The newcomer does not have many responsibilities and has enough time to get to know people already working in the company. Start with those who work with you next to each other - at adjacent desks, in the same office, and gradually expand the circle of acquaintance.
Establish friendships with experienced co-workers
People who have worked in the company for a long time are well acquainted with the public and private rules to bring a newcomer up to speed. Ask about professionals who have worked in your position before. This information will help determine how to behave with colleagues and management at the new job. Each team has its slang and humor.
Friendships with experienced colleagues allow for a quicker team spirit and a better grasp of company policy. In addition, these co-workers can be asked trivial questions and clarify unclear points in the work at the beginning. For example, you will not go to the manager asking where to get the stationery, but you can always ask the old-timers about it.
Figure out the company’s expectations
To not make mistakes, you need to clearly understand what is expected of you and what results from management expectations. You can discuss such things at the first introductory meeting. The first week at a new job is critical - understanding what is expected of you will help make plans for a longer time. If the newcomer comes with a work plan, it should be coordinated with the management. And if the new employee will occupy an executive position - then with the subordinates. In addition, you need to communicate your expectations to your associates.
Analyze the team
It is quite possible that among the colleagues there are competitors; be vigilant and do not give reason to doubt your competence. However, do not be afraid to enlist the help and support of talented colleagues to solve complex problems. You need to know what each employee does and what he is particularly good at.
Keep the promises you made from the first day
Do not act relaxed in your first week in your new job. If analytics is your forte, get to work from day one and get your analytical information in order. Document your accomplishments and successes in management reports and future salary increase negotiations.
Be visible
Do not be cornered and do your job quietly if you plan to achieve a future promotion and count on career growth. Try to be present at all meetings to demonstrate your competence and knowledge. That way, colleagues and management will know whom to approach in the future.
Find out where to get coffee
It is very important because the relationship with colleagues is reflected in work results. In the first week, it is necessary to learn the rules accepted in the first week, violations of which can make some of the employees angry. For example, shelves are distributed in the refrigerator and where you can place your lunch. Who does the dishes, how the coffee machine works?
Remember that you have come into a team with already established routines. You should not break them and quarrel with your colleagues from the first days if you plan to work successfully in the company and build your career here.
Explore the current environment
If you are joining the company in a management position and are planning a big change, take a look at the current environment first. It would be best if you also enlisted the support of your subordinates so that your employees will quicker and more accept the planned changes.
Find out where the nearest pharmacy, grocery store, and cafe is
Anything can happen in life and at work. So, you need to navigate inside the office and understand what is near it, where to run to get a Band-Aid, or where to buy cookies for treating clients who have arrived for negotiations.
Secure your acquaintance on social media
Social networks are not just used for socializing in your free time these days. It is where people look for jobs and arrange business meetings. Thus, it is good to update your status and add colleagues as friends after you are officially set up.
Apply time management skills
Even if you've never done it before, the habit of order is very disciplined and helps you become more organized. People who know how to plan their time are very successful and make their lives much easier.
Recommendation letter from the previous job
According to career experts, as strange as it may sound, the best time to ask for a recommendation is when you are not looking for a job. The first week at a new job is perfect for that.
Heed these tips, and your adjustment to the new place will go quickly and smoothly. Share this article with your friends on social networks, perhaps some of them are facing a job search, and some have already changed jobs and need support.
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