A good leader understands the need to support initiative employees, guides, motivates and sets an example. An illiterate boss can kill any initiative, engages in intimidation, and devalues the efforts of subordinates. Job search site Login Casino Work has compiled a list of what good managers don't do, according to leading psychologists and labor relations experts. If you have just become a manager or are applying for such a position, check out the useful information. We hope that the advice to applicants applying for leadership positions will help them become good bosses and achieve their desired career heights. Those who recognize the behavior of their boss in the described behavior are waiting for advice on how to change the situation.
Good bosses never do the following.
Don’t shout, raise their voice, don’t be rude
Psychologists call a shout and a rude tone towards ordinates a manifestation of incompetence, an inability to resolve the situation calmly, without showing aggression. The boss who raises the voice to the employees loses the authority and respect of the subordinates. Nobody likes to work with rude people and boors. If this behavior of the boss is considered the norm, then employees are unlikely to succeed in building a career in this company. The regular rude behavior of the leader discourages subordinates from every desire to develop and grow professionally.
What to do if you have such a boss?
First, determine the reason for this behavior. Happens that in another way it is not possible to raise the morale of the team and achieve more productive work, maximum dedication from employees. If this is just a whim of the boss, then you have serious problems and there are only two ways out: find a job and change jobs or get used to it if there are no plans to build a career.
Do not appropriate the ideas of subordinates
It's very frustrating when someone passes off your ideas as their own. It is doubly insulting if you come up with ideas to the boss, in a conversation with you the boss rejects them, and then passes off your ideas as his or her own to higher management. In such cases, you can forget about promotions, bonuses, or bonuses. Such behavior of the authorities demotivates subordinates, all desire to delve into the work of the company and try to somehow improve current processes disappears.
What to do if you have such a boss?
Such a leader should not submit the proposals orally. The solution may be to send the idea in writing by e-mail. So, if necessary, it will be possible to prove your authorship in the future.
Do not scatter frames
One of the most powerful demotivators is the phrase: “I don’t keep anyone here.” After such words from the authorities, the desire to make efforts and do their job efficiently disappears. Why, if you are not appreciated and do not need your work? Working in such conditions is a dubious pleasure.
What to do if you have such a boss?
There are two ways out of the situation. The first is to make an effort to become a necessary specialist for whom the company or division will not be able to quickly find a worthy replacement. If this does not help, then the second option is to find another job. Now there are quite a lot of offers on the labor market for active and purposeful specialists who want to develop and build a career.
Do not violate the internal rules of the company
If the enterprise has some rules and a clear daily routine, everyone must adhere to them. And the bosses too. A good leader should not be late, justifying themselves, for example, by saying that "the bosses are not late, the bosses are late." Of course, an employee in such a position may have important things to do, due to which he or she may be late for work or cancel the meeting. But this should not be a systematic violation of the invented rules. The boss should be an example and show how to work, and not how to come up with excuses and shirk work.
What to do if you have such a boss?
It is unlikely that you will be able to change your boss. Subordinates can either learn how to effectively and competently criticize the boss or look for another job.
Do not evaluate the personality of employees
A talented leader inspires the team, motivates them to new achievements, creates a favorable atmosphere, and evaluates the effectiveness of the work performed by subordinates. Evaluation should concern only completed or not completed work. The boss has no right to get personal, discuss appearance, etc. Criticism of the work done by a specialist should be reasoned, with clear comments on the merits.
What to do if you have such a boss?
Correcting an adult is unlikely to succeed. If the situation becomes intolerable, other employment options should be sought.
Do not arrange to haze
A good leader makes sure that everyone in the team is treated with respect. Mutual respect between the boss and subordinates is the key to a favorable atmosphere in the company, which, in turn, contributes to an increase in labor productivity. The distribution of responsibilities should take place depending on the abilities of each, and not on who got a job earlier, and who - later. If in a team boring routine work is assigned to newcomers, and serious tasks are performed by those who work longer, then this is a problem.
What to do if you have such a boss?
Mobbing by management or colleagues is unacceptable. In the first place should be the professional qualities of the employee, and not seniority or biological age.
Don't make rules for the sake of rules
Each company has its list of rules by which work processes are carried out. They may come from the requirements of the law or the charter of the organization. Rules are necessary because they make all processes more structured, and understandable and make life easier for employees. However, sometimes some requirements are difficult to agree with. For example, a ban on having lunch at the workplace if the office does not have a dining room specially allocated for this. Or the boss forbids accessing social networks from a work computer, although every employee today has a mobile phone.
What to do if you have such a boss?
Understand, forgive and reconcile. If for you such rules are a violation of your rights, then look for another job.
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